Corporate transactions invariably include real estate or renting issues. Property represents considerable value and can expose owners and other rights holders to great risks, for example when acquiring potentially contaminated property and in various types of construction and development contracts. These risks have to be assessed and dealt with. When correctly handled, they could provide excellent business opportunities. The purchase of a property is the largest single investment a person is likely to make in their lives and professional advice is well worth its weight in gold. Real estate law also encompasses servitude rights and issues relating to planning permission.Covering all the aspects requires expertise spanning across several legal spheres. Our specialist areas cover most eventualities within both general and more specific real estate law. We naturally work in harness with other specialties at Rosengrens, such as Insolvency and Restructuring. We represent companies and individuals alike with unswerving loyalty and full focus on giving our clients a complete basis upon which to proceed and reach the best possible outcome.