Cooperative housing associations owns and administrates large financial assets and handle issues in a variety of legal areas. Issues relating to the cooperative housing association are handled by its board which, in most cases consists of tenants. The board’s work includes managing the association’s finances as well as property maintenance, which means that the board does everything including dealing with member issues, deciding on the level of the annual fee to procuring large contracts for maintenance. Cooperative housing associations often have residential leases as well as premises and therefore also act as landlords in relation to their tenants. Rosengrens Advokatbyrå can offer support to the board when handling these issues.
Furthermore, disputes can arise between, for example, members and the Cooperative housing association; The Cooperative housing association is responsible for the property and the members for the interior of their respective apartments, which may cause demarcation problems. Disputes may also arise with contractors etc.
Rosengrens Avokatbyrå assist Cooperative housing associations as well as members in housing law issues such as for example interference and other forfeiture matters, terminations, bylaw amendments, association meetings, board support, contract writing for rent, letting, new production and financial plans. Rosengrens Advokatbyrå may also help in disputes and regarding construction law matters etc.